
Building my first house – my home

Built my first house when I was 29 years old – from the ground up. Laid the ground foundations, that consisted of laying hollow tiles on concrete footings to contain the concrete slabs for the garage and living area floors. Strange as it may sound, I had to cut all the 2×4’s for wall studs to size (92-1/4″) because no precut ‘wall studs’ were available in those days.

Nailing on the purlins on the first house I have ever built

I was 29 when I attempted and succeeded in building my first house. Laid all the hollow tiles and erected all the structural framings. Plumbing done by a contractor and electrical wiring by licensed family electricians. Friends helped in laying concrete for the floor. No pre-cut 91-1/4″ studs were available in the early 1970’s.


20 years later, installed new panels onto the exterior walls and added soffits under the overhanging rafters.


My home, 43 years old, surrounded by trees and ferns.
